Pension plans may need to fortify their corporate governance controls if they want to take maximum advantage of alternative investment opportunities, according to Watson Wyatt Worldwide. According to a press release from the consulting firm, to take advantage of alternative investment opportunities, pension plans need to devote considerable resources to managing and monitoring their investments, which generally means a higher budget. “To delve into these investments before putting the needed governance in place is putting the cart before the horse,” says Carl Hess, Director of Watson Wyatt’s investment consulting in North America, in the press release. . Section: Prime Brokerage
Pension Funds Must Improve Governance Before Investing In Alternatives, Says Watson Wyatt
Pension plans may need to fortify their corporate governance controls if they want to take maximum advantage of alternative investment opportunities, according to Watson Wyatt Worldwide. According to a press release from the consulting firm, to take advantage of alternative
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