The shares of Peach Property Group AG have been listed in accordance with the Main Standard and are traded on SIX Swiss Exchange for the first time. The opening price on SIX Swiss Exchange was CHF 33.00. This corresponds to a market capitalization of about CHF 160 million. Peach Property Group AG belongs not only to the SPI, but also to the SPI EXTRA. According to the listing prospectus, 4,842,900 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 were entered in the Commercial Register.
Peach Property Group AG, a Swiss real estate development company domiciled in Zurich, is one of the leading developers of luxurious residential properties in the German-speaking region of Europe. Its innovative business model addresses the entire real estate value chain and unifies property investment, development, project realization and sales. The properties Peach Property Group AG develops are located in city centers or the immediate vicinity as well as in exclusive holiday resorts at some of the most attractive locations in Europe.
According to the annual report of 31 December 2009, the company generated a turnover of CHF 18.2 millions. Peach Property Group AG has 34 employees.