OMX Exchanges Have A Steady August

The average value of share trading per business day at OMX Exchanges which operates the equity and derivatives exchanges in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius amounted to Euros 2,419 million, slightly down on Euros 2,695 million a year

By None

The average value of share trading per business day at OMX Exchanges – which operates the equity and derivatives exchanges in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius – amounted to Euros 2,419 million, slightly down on Euros 2,695 million a year ago. The average number of trades per business day was up at 82,569 (75,282). The turnover velocity was 91%.

Average derivative trading volume in Swedish, Finnish and Danish equity and fixed-income products amounted to 367,529 contracts (during the past 12-month period: 439,704) per business day. The average number of traded contracts in equity derivative products amounted to 341,873 contracts (during the past 12-month period: 409,447 contracts) per business day, while the average number of contracts in fixed-income derivative products amounted to 25,656 contracts (during the past 12-month period: 30,257 contracts) per business day.

The total premium value for stock options amounted to Euros 4.1 million (during the past 12-month period Euros 4.7 million) per day.

The average value of bond trading per business day amounted to Euros 8,065 million (during the past 12-month period: Euros 10,155 million).

The average value of covered warrant trading per business day amounted to EUR 4.7 million (during the past 12-month period: Euros 4.5 million).

The average value of ETF/Unit trust trading per business day amounted to Euros 43 million (during the past 12-month period: Euros 44 million).

During August the OMXS30 index decreased by 1.7%, the OMXH25 index increased by 1.2%, the KFX index increased by 3.8%, the TALSE index increased by 3.2%, the RIGSE index increased by 6.0% and the VILSE index increased by 3.9%.

At 31 August 2005 the total number of members was 147 (excluding 88 members that are members at more than one exchange) of which Stockholm Stock Exchange has 79 members, Helsinki Stock Exchange has 47 members, Copenhagen Stock Exchange has 49 members, Tallinn Stock Exchange has 18 members, Riga Stock Exchange has 17 members and Vilnius Stock Exchange have 25 members.

Total market value of all listed companies amounted to Euros 664 billion on August 31 (August 31, 2004: Euros 522 billion).

During August, one company was delisted from the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The company had filed for bankruptcy.

The total number of listed companies is 679 (excluded 9 multiple listings) of which 269 companies are listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, 139 on the Helsinki Stock Exchange, 179 on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, 14 on the Tallinn Stock Exchange, 44 on the Riga Stock Exchange and 43 on the Vilnius Stock Exchange.

The total number of listed bonds is 4,223 of which 1,568 on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, 300 on the Helsinki Stock Exchange, 2,288 on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, six on the Tallinn Stock Exchange, 28 on the Riga Stock Exchange and 33 on the Vilnius Stock Exchange. In August, 36 new bonds were registered on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and 31 bonds were delisted. On the Helsinki Stock Exchange two new bonds were registered, while four bonds were delisted. On the Copenhagen Stock Exchange seven new bonds were registered, while nine were delisted. On the Riga Stock Exchange one bond was listed and one bond was delisted.

The total number of listed covered warrants is 1,536, of which 1,270 on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and 266 on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. In August, 99 new covered warrants were listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and 76 were delisted. At the Helsinki Stock Exchange 61 new covered warrants were listed and 26 were delisted.
