The average value of share trading per business day Stockholmsbrsen amounted to EUR 1,710 million in June (during the past 12-month period: EUR 2,116 million). The average number of trades per business day was 42,524 (during the past 12-month period: 59,945). The turnover velocity was 103%.
Average derivative trading volume in Swedish and Finnish equity and fixed-income products amounted to 358,416 contracts (during the past 12- month period: 440,005) per business day. The average number of traded contracts in equity derivative products amounted to 347,239 contracts (during the past 12-month period: 414,792 contracts) per business day, while the average number of contracts in fixed-income derivative products amounted to 11,177 contracts (during the past 12-month period: 25,213 contracts) per business day.
The total premium value for stock options amounted to EUR 3.3 million (during the past 12-month period EUR 5.8 million) per day.
The average value of covered warrant trading per business day amounted to EUR 3.8 million (during the past 12-month period: EUR 6.7 million).
During July the OMX index decreased by 2.1%, the HEX25 index decreased by 1.2%, the TALSE index decreased by 0.6%, the RICI index increased by 3.4% and the Litin-G index increased by 0.2%.
These figures include statistics from Stockholmsbrsen, HEX Helsinki, HEX Tallinn, HEX Riga and National Stock Exchange of Lithuania. The reported figures pertain to all the five exchanges, unless otherwise stated.
Total market value of all listed companies amounted to EUR 413 billion as of July 31 (July 31, 2003: EUR 372 billion.) During July, two companies were delisted from Stockholmsbrsen. On National Stock Exchange of Lithuania one company was delisted and on HEX Tallinn one company was delisted. The total number of listed companies is 508, of which 279 companies are listed on Stockholmsbrsen, 137 on HEX Helsinki, 13 on HEX Tallinn, 36 on HEX Riga and 43 on National Stock Exchange of Lithuania.
The total number of listed bonds is 1,772 of which 1,437 on Stockholmsbrsen, 270 on HEX Helsinki, 3 on HEX Tallinn, 26 on HEX Riga and 36 on National Stock Exchange of Lithuania. In July, 22 new bonds were registered on Stockholmsbrsen and 26 bonds were delisted. On HEX Helsinki 7 new bonds were registered, while 1 was delisted. On HEX Riga 1 bond was listed and on National Stock Exchange of Lithuania 3 bonds were listed and 2 were delisted.
The total number of listed covered warrants is 1,740, of which 1,463 on Stockholmsbrsen and 277 on HEX Helsinki. In July, 94 new covered warrants were listed on Stockholmsbrsen and 44 were delisted. At HEX Helsinki 6 new covered warrants were listed and 6 were delisted.
In July, one company was placed on the Observation segment of the A-list since the company had requested delisting of the shares of the company from Stockholmsbrsen. Another company was placed on the Observation segment of the O-list due to the fact that the company did not fulfil the listing requirement regarding ownership concentration.
Stockholmsbrsen referred three matters of suspected insider trading to the Financial Supervisory Authority.
The Disciplinary Board of the Helsinki Exchanges cautioned in July one company for breaching the requirement for the disclosure of sufficient and correct information and for disclosure without undue delay.