OMHEX has integrated the Finnish and Swedish derivatives markets through the launch of the common derivatives trading platform CLICK XT for the Finnish market. As a result of the integration, exchange members and investors can now enter the market through one access point, trade Finnish and Swedish derivative products on the same platform and benefit from one rulebook, one order book and a single membership.
The integrated derivatives exchange and clearing house is operated by Stockholmsbrsen, which now offers euro-denominated Finnish equity derivatives. The integrated derivatives market further offers its members instant and efficient access to other Nordic derivatives markets through a link between Stockholmsbrsen, Oslo Brs, Copenhagen Stock Exchange and EDX London.
“By sharing a technical platform with other exchanges, the number of members connected to the same trading platform has now increased to over 140. We are confident that the wider member base, combined with standardization of products will enhance the liquidity and general interest in derivatives, benefiting both members and private investors,” says Henrik Paulsson, President of the Derivatives Markets, HEX Integrated Markets.