NSD Names MDs for Corporate Actions and Trade Repository Units

National Settlement Depository (NSD) has made key appointments to its corporate actions and trade repository divisions as part of the Russian central securities depository’s development strategy.
By Janet Du Chenne(59204)
National Settlement Depository (NSD) has made key appointments to its corporate actions and trade repository divisions as part of the Russian central securities depository’s development strategy.

Sergei Bernevega has been appointed as managing director for Corporate
Information. He will head the activities related to providing corporate information and processing corporate actions. Bernevega will also manage the establishment of the Corporate Information Center – Russia’s official center for collection, storage and distribution of corporate information – on the basis of the CSD.

Bernevega previously headed the division for Interaction with Registrars and Securities Depositories at NSD. He joined NSD in July 2012 and played a key part in implementing the projects dedicated to the integration of NSD and the Depository Clearing Company.

NSD is developing and implementing new technologies for corporate actions processing on the securities market, including automated straight through processing using ISO 150222 and ISO 20022 standards and e-voting during the meetings of shareholders and bondholders.

Pavel Solovyov has been appointed as managing director for Trade Repository Development and Operations.

Pavel Solovyov will work on the development of NSD’s repository services in line with the introduction of mandatory trade reporting on February 12 2014. His area of responsibility includes the enhancement of NSD’s repository technologies in accordance with the requirements of both clients and regulators, the development of proposals to improve the legislation, and NSD’s participation in the activities of international associations on the OTC market.

Pavel Solovyov joined NSD in late 2012. Prior to this, he worked at MICEX for over ten years.
