Northern Trust Global Investments To Supply Manager Of Managers Service To Pension Fund Outsourcing Clients Of Jardine Lloyd Thompson

Jardine Lloyd Thompson Benefit Solutions (JLT) has reached an agreement with Northern Trust Global Investments (NTGI) in the United Kingdom, by which the US fund manager will deliver active investment management on a manager of managers basis to JLT's pension

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Jardine Lloyd Thompson Benefit Solutions (JLT) has reached an agreement with Northern Trust Global Investments (NTGI) in the United Kingdom, by which the US fund manager will deliver active investment management on a manager-of-managers basis to JLT’s pension fund clients. This partnership envisages NTGI taking responsibility for the selection and monitoring of fund managers globally.

“JLT will continue to manage the strategic asset allocation, the asset class and benchmarking, and the style and structure of the management, reviewing investment strategy, monitoring and reporting on NTGI’s performance and rebalancing funds,” says Paul Clark, Regional Managing Director, JLT. “This relationship will allow JLT to capitalise on the exceptional investment research and client service skills of NTGI, its industry knowledge and its leading edge technology.”

Tony Earnshaw, Managing Director, NTGI’s international manager of managers business, says the JLT deal is one of a number of UK pension fund assets transactions the bank now runs on a manager of managers basis. “This relationship is also in line with our strategy of partnering with complementary, high quality organisations to support our continued business development initiatives in the UK institutional pension fund market,” he says.
