New Sales Of Icon, Chorus And Star Applications, Says Linedata Services

Linedata Services says it has secured four new sales of its back office applications for fund managers Icon, Chorus and Star. Dexia Épargne Pension and ESCA Prévoyance in France, and Argentabank in Luxembourg, have bought Chorus. Pan Holding in Luxembourg

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Linedata Services says it has secured four new sales of its back-office applications for fund managers: Icon, Chorus and Star.

Dexia Épargne Pension and ESCA Prévoyance in France, and Argentabank in Luxembourg, have bought Chorus. Pan-Holding in Luxembourg has bought Star, a transfer agency application, and Icon, an investment management, fund administration, portfolio valuation and reporting application.

“Our strategy is aimed at offering asset managers top-performing, best-of-breed solutions for the global financial industry,” says Pascal Xatart, Managing Director of Linedata Services Asset Management. “By specifically ensuring flexibility in our solutions and excellent integration with other programs, we are consolidating our leading position within the back-office asset management solutions market in Europe. Technical and functional enhancements of our products are enabling us to continue to gain market share in a sector where process optimisation has become a key factor.”
