A new think-tank focusing on the Regulation of Finance Markets and Institutions has been established at the University of Leicester.
It has emerged as a consequence of the recent turmoil in financial markets and its aim is to facilitate legal and policy research drawing from the fields of law, economics and political science and bringing together high profile academics and practitioners from across the world.
The research cluster in the School of Law at the University of Leicester will conduct research in banking and securities regulation, financial stability, international financial architecture, EU economic and monetary policy, corporate governance, financial inclusion, state-aid and competition law.
The research group – part of the Centre for European Law and Integration- is holding a seminar on February 4 dealing with issues of EU Competition and State Aid Law at a time of financial crisis
Seminars planned for February and march will touch the following issues:
-EU Competition and State Aid Law,-Banking Law Reform and Corporate Governance,-The present and future of the Financial Services.This seminar is funded by the Modern Law Review.
“Although a number of other academic institutions conduct research in the field of financial regulation, the uniqueness of this research group lies in that it aspires to decentralise the debate on this topical and highly controversial area of law,” says Andromachi Georgosouli, research coordinator.
“Our aim is to make it accessible to members of the public as well to members of the academic and legal profession that live and work outside the capital city of London.”
“It is expected that the research projects will stimulate further research in this highly topical field of law and contribute to our understanding of the causes of financial crisis and the proper means for dealing with it.”