New Project From FESE Ensures Reliable Picture Of Equity Market Data Across Europe

FESE introduces new report entitled 'European Equity Market Share'. The report comprises comparable set of data from all the trading venues and covers information from all the market segments operated by FESE members
By None

FESE introduces new report entitled ‘European Equity Market Share’. The report comprises comparable set of data from all the trading venues. Also it covers information from all the market segments operated by FESE members (including Regulated Markets and Multilateral Trading Facilities) as well as from MTFs operated by investment firms in the European market.

For the first time, the European industry will benefit from a report which follows the same statistics methodology agreed by all the trading venues involved, both RM and MTFs, operated by both market operators and investment firms. This allows for an accurate comparison of trading statistics across trading venues.

The European Equity Market Share report will be published on a monthly basis.

“We are confident that this project will address the concerns of market participants in the aftermath of MiFID and will restore a reliable picture of trading data across Europe, reinforcing FESE’s unique role in ensuring the quality of data in European markets,” says Judith Hardt, secretary general, FESE.

The full report can be found on FESE website.

