NeoNet Offers Execution in Swiss Equities Through Virt-x Membership

NeoNet, the Stockholm based international institutional agency broker, is to offer trading in Swiss blue chip stocks through its membership at virt x, the market for Swiss blue chips, including Novartis, Roche, Nestle, UBS, Credit Suisse Group, Swiss Re, Zurich

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NeoNet, the Stockholm-based international institutional agency broker, is to offer trading in Swiss blue chip stocks through its membership at virt-x, the market for Swiss blue chips, including Novartis, Roche, Nestle, UBS, Credit Suisse Group, Swiss Re, Zurich Financial Services and ABB.

“The introduction of execution at virt-x through our own membership further strengthens our direct market access strategy and strengthens our execution offering by giving clients trading access to several interesting blue chips,” says Staffan Persson, acting CEO of NeoNet.

virt-x is the London based international arm of the SWX Group (the Swiss Exchange) and also offers direct, real-time access to trading in the constituents of all the major pan-European blue chip indices. “I am delighted to welcome NeoNet to membership of virt-x, which furthers the international reach of virt-x,” says virt-x CEO, Peter Keller. “NeoNet is the first member to take advantage of virt-x’s new direct FIX based connectivity.”
