NCS Will Continue To Supply UniSuper With Custody And Investment Reporting Services

UniSuper, $21 billion industry superannuation fund, confirmed its reappointment of NAB Custodian Services (NCS) to provide master custody and investment reporting services. The appointment follows an extensive 12 month tender and review process, that only saw those organisations with the

By None

UniSuper, $21 billion industry superannuation fund, confirmed its reappointment of NAB Custodian Services (NCS) to provide master custody and investment reporting services.

The appointment follows an extensive 12-month tender and review process, that only saw those organisations with the capacity to cater for UniSuper’s current and future needs invited to tender for the business.

The review and tender was conducted by UniSuper’s internal investment team alongside Drew Vaughan from Dymond, Faulds & Vaughan, an independent consulting firm specialising in custody review services.

“The relationship with NCS is viewed strategically as a partnership. We have been working together since 1991, but that’s not to say that we’ve become complacent,” says David St. John, chief investment officer, UniSuper.

“It’s still important to review all our supplier relationships regularly, even the long-standing ones, to ensure that they continue to deliver superior products and services for our members at a highly competitive price.”

“In reaffirming this appointment, we’re confident that NCS will continue to provide us with the level of service we need to safeguard the retirement savings of our 413,000 members.”

“NCS’ reappointment is testament to the strength of our long relationship, and the hard work and dedication shown by the teams at both NCS and UniSuper,” says Leigh Watson, regional general manager, NCS.

“We will continue to invest in this relationship, innovating to enhance the service we deliver, while maintaining our focus on the everyday fundamentals.”

