Morgan Stanley Is Top Prime Broker, Says Alpha Magazine

Morgan Stanley is the top prime broker, according to a survey of hedge fund managers conducted by Alpha magazine. It is the second time the magazine has run the survey. Goldman Sachs took the top slot in hedge fund administration

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Morgan Stanley is the top prime broker, according to a survey of hedge fund managers conducted by Alpha magazine. It is the second time the magazine has run the survey.

Goldman Sachs took the top slot in hedge fund administration Admiral Administration and Morgan Stanley came in second and third in the fund administration category.

Chicago-based BDO Seidman was ranked the top accounting firm in every client category: audit, client service, hedge fund expertise, regulatory and compliance and tax.

The law firm Olgier was named best offshore law firm, while Sidley Austin came first in the onshore category.

In technology, Goldman Sachs was first for trade order management; Backstop Solutions Group for investor relations management; Citco Fund Services for portfolio management and accounting; and RiskMetrics Group for risk management.

The survey covered more than 1,000 hedge funds.
