The market value of TSE first section marked JPY 400 trillion level, equivalent to $3.6 trillion, recovering from JPY 228 trillion.
Trading volume taken place in TSE first section have kept at high level around JPY 1,820 billion, equivalent to USD16.6 billion. The factors, such as economy level-off declared by government/BOJ at the beginning of this month, and recent business result during the first quarter, have supported a strong upward outlook on the basis of increase in the profit for Japanese companies to be continued.
The market value of TSE first section, down to JPY 228 trillion, equivalent to USD 2 trillion, in March 2003, recovered 1.8 times up for 28 months. The growth rate of 33 sectors of TSE showed as follows; banking topped by 2.6 times increase in terms of the market value, followed by whole sales by 2.4 times and machinery by 2.1 times ranked third.