Macquarie Sets Up EMEA Transition Management Desk

Macquarie Securities, the institutional equities arm of Macquarie Group, has hired Mark Dwyer and Graham Cook to its transition management team in London. Both were previously with BNY Mellon, which said in March that it would shut its global transition management operations.
By Janet Du Chenne(59204)
Macquarie Securities, the institutional equities arm of Macquarie Group, has hired Mark Dwyer and Graham Cook to its transition management team in London. Both were previously with BNY Mellon, which said in March that it would shut its global transition management operations.

Dwyer and Cook will focus on developing Macquarie’s portfolio solutions business in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) regions.

Mark Dwyer joins as a Head of Portfolio Solutions EMEA. He was mostly recently a managing director and head of EMEA Beta & Transition Management at BNY Mellon, where he covered sovereign wealth, pension plan, insurance, and endowment and foundation clients. Prior to that, he was a managing director at Askari Risk Management/State Street, and has held senior roles at Euclid Consulting and UBS.

Graham Cook was most recently a director at BNY Mellon Beta & Transition Management and joins as senior transition manager. He held senior roles in Australia, as head of Portfolio Implementation and Restructuring Group at Instinet, and joint head of Portfolio Solutions at Morgan Stanley.

Damian Hoult, global head of Execution Services, Macquarie Securities says: “Mark and Graham have a proven track record of providing portfolio solutions to some of the world’s leading asset owners. Their deep industry experience will help us connect EMEA-based clients to our global agency execution platform.”

Their joining follows Macquarie Securities’ appointment last year of Fred Fogg and Lance Vegna as Co-Heads of Portfolio Solutions in the Americas. The new appointments extend our client coverage from the Asia-Pacific region and the Americas to EMEA, further demonstrating the firm’s commitment to transition management.
