Losing weight is always top of the list of New Year resolutions. Most think that means exercising more and eating less, but help is at hand. The International Journal of Obesity recently published a list of 10 other reasons why people become obese. High on that list is sleep deprivation.
So how can a good night’s rest impact the scale? There is no doubt the average adult does not get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. Now, researchers claim that too few hours of sleep can cause hormonal changes that lead to weight gain. These hormone levels can trigger hunger and slow down your metabolism. In fact, a recent study shows that people who sleep less than seven to nine hours a night are up to 75 percent more likely to be obese.
Nutritionist Cherie Calbom says a good night’s sleep can help you slim down and rest well. “Sleep is the ingredient researchers are pointing to as the missing link in weight loss plans,” says Calbom. “Many of us are tempted to think if we stay up late, we’ll burn more calories. But this is simply not true. Getting more sleep, such as seven to nine hours a night, is the ticket to a lean body.”
Of course, in our hectic lives, a good night’s sleep is a rarity. A poll sponsored by the National Sleep Foundation found that 74 percent of respondents experienced at least one symptom of a sleep disorder a few nights a week and only 30 percent of adults reported getting eight or more hours of sleep on weeknights. So Calbom’s new book, Sleep Away the Pounds, ofers a plan to improve not just the duration but also the quality of sleep.
“Lots of women are short on sleep,” says Calbom. “Whether a woman suffers from insomnia, too much to do, work or relationship problems, dealing with a new baby or carrying baggage from the past-these are all things that can keep her from getting enough sleep. And then she’ll battle carb cravings and never know why.”