Ken Archer Named SmartStream CEO

SmartStream Technologies has appointed Ken Archer CEO. Archer, who has led and managed large service software companies for the last 25 years, assumes his position 6 November. For the last eight years he was president of European business development at

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SmartStream Technologies has appointed Ken Archer CEO.

Archer, who has led and managed large service software companies for the last 25 years, assumes his position 6 November.

For the last eight years he was president of European business development at Computer Services Corporation (CSC).

Archer has previously held VP positions with JP Morgan and was CEO of Mercantile Information Services.

“SmartStream continues to be a great success story; its compelling set of solutions addressing critical operational challenges in the world’s largest financial institutions, its list of impressive clients and new investment from one of the world’s leading buyout and private equity firm,” says Ron Mackintosh, Chairman. “I’m delighted we’ve appointed a world class CEO to lead the company through the next stage of its corporate development.” “SmartStream has a formidable reputation in the market place as the STP thought leader and dominant player in its chosen markets – this is a phenomenal platform to build on,” says Archer. “My focus will be to leverage this position to expand and deepen the relationships the company already has with over 1,000 customers worldwide. From my own experience of working within large financial institutions I understand only too well the siloed nature of their operations and technology architectures. The challenges they face to streamline processes, drive out risk and cost, improve customer service whilst coping with today’s highly regulated environment are significant. However, by engaging as a strategic partner with our clients and bringing to bear our deep market knowledge and leading edge technology I’m confident we can address their most pressing needs.”
