CheckFree Corporation has been selected by Jupiter Asset Management Limited to deploy CheckFree Trade Flow TPM as a platform for electronic trade confirmation, local matching and electronic trade settlement.
CheckFree TradeFlow is a next-generation straight through processing (STP) solution that combines proven and innovative integration, messaging, workflow and exception management capabilities in a single, integrated, technology platform. The TradeFlow deployment will enable Jupiter Asset Management (Jupiter AM) to manage its entire post-trade securities processing.
The CheckFree TradeFlow deployment forms part of an overall system review undertaken by the company. Using CheckFree’s solution as a centralized financial messaging hub, Jupiter AM will migrate its middle office processing from a number of disparate systems and complex semi-automated processes onto a single flexible platform that was designed to scale and keep pace with volume growth as the business continues to expand.
“We required a solution that would meet our exacting business requirements from a user perspective, delivered via the best possible technical architecture from an IT perspective,” said Ken Crawford, director at Jupiter Asset Management Limited. “We chose CheckFree TradeFlow TPM because it was clear that the business benefits of its technological architecture can quickly be realized across our organization.”
Users will leverage CheckFree TradeFlow’s real-time operational user interface, which provides a superior exception management capability for faster resolution of outstanding issues, to drill down into individual cases, identifying, accessing and resolving exceptions as they happen. Jupiter AM expects to also gain improvements by adopting a straight-through processing strategy, which will bring operational efficiency from front to back office and increase same day affirmation rates.
“Our customers need a business partner that can not only deliver proven solutions on a global scale, but also understand their specific business needs,” said Preston Hoffman, senior vice president and general manager of CheckFree Software’s Securities business. “Jupiter Asset Management’s requirements are absolutely in line with the CheckFree TradeFlow TPM approach, which delivers an ‘out of the box’ solution that can be implemented in a timely fashion to enable end-to-end post-trade securities trade processing. We are very pleased to be working with such a well-respected securities organization.”