Japan's JASDAQ President Unleashes Plans For Technology-Based Venture Market

In an interview with Japan's Nikkei newspaper, Takashi Tsutsui, president of JASDAQ, talked about the creation of a new market planned for September for the most advanced technology based ventures and new business models. This new market is aimed to

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In an interview with Japan’s Nikkei newspaper, Takashi Tsutsui, president of JASDAQ, talked about the creation of a new market planned for September for the most advanced technology-based ventures and new business models.

This new market is aimed to accommodate high technology-based starting-up growth ventures, such as university spinouts.

Listing requirements for JASDAQ and the planned new market are as follows:

Profits requirements:

JASDAQ: a profit surplus or a recurring profit of at least JPY 500 million in the fiscal year immediately prior to application.New Market: ventures with surplus prospects in spite of a deficit in the fiscal year immediately prior to application.

Net Assets requirements:

JASDAQ: at least JPY 200 million in the fiscal year immediately prior to application.New Market: to be on or above zero in the fiscal year immediately prior to application.

Market Capitalization requirements:

JASDAQ: a market capitalization of at least JPY 1 billion at the time of listing.New Market: a market capitalization of at least JPY 1 billion at the time of listing.

Technology requirements:

JASDAQ: no requirementNew Market: within 10 years of technology development or inception of operations.
