Japan Rating Agency To Assist Bucharest Stock Exchange In Establishing A Rating Agency In Romania

JCR's President, Makoto Utsumi has announced that the Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR) will assist Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) in establishing a rating agency in Romania. As a response, the General Manager of BSE, Stere Farmache, underlined the necessity of

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JCR’s President, Makoto Utsumi has announced that the Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR) will assist Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) in establishing a rating agency in Romania.

As a response, the General Manager of BSE, Stere Farmache, underlined the necessity of a financial evaluation agency in Romania, which would be recognized also by The Ministry of Finance, National Bank of Romania and National Securities Commission (NSC).

“Such agency would allow a lower cost monitoring for the municipalities and companies,” says a spokeswoman for ING. “Also, according to the officials, the access to financing sources would be improved thanks to the rating coming from an internationally recognized entity.”
