Japan Electronic Proxy Voting System ICJ Has A Good AGM Season

The electronic proxy voting system created by ADP and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Investor Communication Japan (ICJ), has made a crucial breakthrough. Durng the infamously brutal Japanese proxy voting season last month, in which 96 of the 109 companies participating

By None

The electronic proxy voting system created by ADP and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Investor Communication Japan (ICJ), has made a crucial breakthrough.

Durng the infamously brutal Japanese proxy voting season last month, in which 96 of the 109 companies participating in ICJ held their AGM, the system operated successfully.

ICJ, which started operations in December 2005, hopes the success will encourage other Japanese companies to make use of its services.

“The companies studying whether to join the system have been watching carefully how the system would perform and cope with the concentration of access in June,” says a spokesman for Mizuho Corporate Bank. “According to ICJ, it successfully managed through the busiest time, and gained a favourable evaluation from the participants. Based on their successful performance this time, ICJ plans to aggressively expand its operation to increase the number of participants.
