Members of the International Securities Market Association (ISMA) have today elected one new member and re-elected four existing members to the board of the Association. The elections to the board took place this morning at the ISMA annual general meeting in Basel.
The board members who have been re-elected this year are: Mr. David H. Burnett, HSBC Investment Bank plc, London; Mr. Walter Henniges, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt; Mr. Gyula Pleschinger, Raiffeisen Bank Ltd., Budapest; and Mr. Michael H. Ridley, JP Morgan Securities Ltd., London. Each is entitled to serve a second three-year term. Mr. Geert J.A.I. Van der Heyden, Fortis Bank, Belgium, joins the board for the first time.
The ful Board line-up now is:
David H. Burnett* — HSBC Investment Bank plc, London
Cristiano Carrus — Banca Popolare di Verona – Banco S Geminiano E S. Prospero, Verona
Luc J. Caytan* (Deputy Chairman) — Kredietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise, Luxembourg
Jonathan Chenevix-Trench — Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited, London
Bernard Droux (Vice Chairman) — Lombard Odier & Cie., Geneva
Walter Henniges — Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt
John L. Langton* — ISMA, Zurich (Chief Executive and Secretary General)
Philippe Musette — Crdit Agricole Indosuez, Paris
Henrik Normann — Danske Bank A/S, Copenhagen
Jos Antonio Olavarrieta Arcos — Confederacin Espaola de Cajas de Ahorros (CECA), Madrid
Claudio Pisoni –Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino, Bellinzona
Gyula Pleschinger — Raiffeisen Bank Ltd., Budapest
Michael H. Ridley — J.P. Morgan plc, London
Mitchell Shivers — Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc., New York
Geert J.A.I. Van der Heyden — Fortis Bank, Belgium
Rijnhard W.F. van Tets* (Chairman) — ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Amsterdam
*members of the executive committee