Islamic Finance News Poll 2008 Recognised Dow Jones' Leadership In Islamic Indexing

Dow Jones Indexes has been named "Best Islamic Index Provider" in the Islamic Finance News Poll 2008. The Islamic Finance News Poll is conducted annually by Malaysia based Islamic Finance News. This year almost 2,500 votes from Islamic finance product

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Dow Jones Indexes has been named “Best Islamic Index Provider” in the Islamic Finance News Poll 2008.

The Islamic Finance News Poll is conducted annually by Malaysia-based Islamic Finance News. This year almost 2,500 votes from Islamic finance product issuers, investors, non-banking financial intermediaries and government bodies from around the world determined the leaders in 36 different categories.

Launched in 1999, the Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes seek to measure the global universe of investable equities that pass screens for Shari’ah compliance. The Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes combine Islamic investment principles with Dow Jones Indexes’ objective, transparent and rules-based methodology.

The index family includes more than 90 regional, country and industry indexes derived from the flagship Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index. In 2006 the index family expanded to include the Dow Jones Islamic Market Sustainability Index, which combines Islamic investing principles with sustainability criteria; Dow Jones Citigroup Sukuk Index, the first index to track Islamic bonds; and Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Equal Weighted Index, which tracks Shari’ah-compliant stocks in Brazil, Russia, India and China. Islamic indexes for the ASEAN region, Hong Kong-listed Chinese stocks, and Indian and Malaysian blue-chips were launched within the past year.

“The Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes were the first to measure the performance of Shari’ah-compliant stocks and bonds, and have set the standard for Islamic indexes in the past decade,” says Michael A. Petronella, president, Dow Jones Indexes. “Dow Jones Indexes has consistently delivered comprehensive, reliable and objective Shari’ah-compliant indexes and has been the trailblazer and innovator in the Islamic indexing arena.”

