ISDX Appoints New CEO

ICAP Securities & Derivatives Exchange (ISDX) has appointed Patrick Birley as chief executive officer, taking over the role on April 1 from Seth Johnson, who also serves as CEO of BrokerTec, ICAP's fixed income electronic trading platform.
By Jake Safane(2147484770)
ICAP Securities & Derivatives Exchange (ISDX) has appointed Patrick Birley as chief executive officer, taking over the role on April 1 from Seth Johnson, who also serves as CEO of BrokerTec, ICAP’s fixed income electronic trading platform; Johnson is now based in New York and will focus solely on leading BrokerTec.

After most recently stepping outside of the financial services world to run Goddards brewery on the Isle of Wright, Birley has held senior positions at a number of exchanges and financial institutions, including NYSE Euronext, the London Stock Exchange, LCH.Clearnet, FTSE International and the South African Futures Exchange (Safex), which was where he started his financial markets career.

“ISDX has developed as a business since ICAP acquired the company in 2012. Having implemented robust new admissions criteria for ISDX last year, we are wholly focused on leveraging ICAP’s extensive expertise to build liquidity and deliver value for clients and investors. Patrick has an impressive track record working across a range of exchanges and clearing houses and his experience will prove invaluable in taking ISDX forward,” says Johnson.

“I believe ISDX has great potential to play a key role in the evolving capital markets landscape. I am looking forward to working with the key stakeholders to continue to develop the ISDX strategy and to ensure we offer a credible environment for the successful listing and trading of equities and, potentially, other financial products,” says Birley.
