ICE Extends Cleared OTC Energy Contracts To 200

IntercontinentalExchange, Inc.(R) introduces 20 new cleared OTC oil contracts. These OTC swaps and options will be available for clearing beginning on Monday, 18May 2009, and complement ICE's already robust futures markets for global oil products. ICE will offer nearly 200

By None

IntercontinentalExchange, Inc.(R) introduces 20 new cleared OTC oil contracts. These OTC swaps and options will be available for clearing beginning on Monday, 18May 2009, and complement ICE’s already robust futures markets for global oil products.

ICE will offer nearly 200 cleared OTC energy contracts, including 100 new OTC contracts since the launch of ICE Clear Europe(R) in November 2008.

The new OTC contracts available for clearing on 18 May are:

Brent Bullet Swap (BNB)

EU-Style Brent Cash Settled Option (BUL)

Brent Average Price Option (I)

WTI Bullet Swap (WTB)

EU-Style WTI Cash Settled Option (WUL)

WTI Average Price Option (R)

Gasoil Bullet Swap (GOB)

EU-Style Gasoil Cash Settled Option (GUL)

Gasoil Average Price Option (GSP)

Brent First Line vs. Platts Dubai First Line Swap (BOD)

Platts Brent CFD vs. First Month (CFO)

Platts Brent CFD vs. Third Month (CFT)

Platts Monthly Brent CFD vs. Second Month (CFM)

Platts Jet Kerosene Barges FOB RDAM vs. Gasoil First Line Swap (JRG)

Platts Jet Kerosene Barges FOB RDAM vs. Jet Kerosene Cargoes CIF NWE Swap (JRJ)

Platts 0.1% Gasoil Cargoes CIF MED vs. Gasoil First Line Swap (GMG)

Platts 0.1% Gasoil Barges FOB RDAM vs. Brent First Line Swap (GRB)

Platts 0.1% Gasoil Cargoes CIF NWE vs. Brent First Line Swap (GEB)

Platts ULSD 10ppm Cargoes CIF MED vs. Gasoil First Line Swap (DMG)

Platts 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE vs. Brent First Line Swap (FVB)

