HFN Hedge Fund Aggregate Average Up Estimated 0.55 Per Cent In February

Early estimates show the HFN Hedge Fund Aggregate Average, an equal weighted average of all single manager hedge funds and CTA managed futures products in the HedgeFund.net database, was up 0.55% in February 2007. The HedgeFund.net database consists of more

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Early estimates show the HFN Hedge Fund Aggregate Average, an equal weighted average of all single manager hedge funds and CTA/managed futures products in the HedgeFund.net database, was up 0.55% in February 2007.

The HedgeFund.net database consists of more than 7,100 current hedge fund, fund of funds, and CTA products.

The HFN Long/Short Equity Average was up 0.72% in February and is up 2.09% YTD, while the HFN Relative Value Aggregate Average outperformed the HFN Equity Hedge Aggregate Average for the first time in six months, up 1.47% versus up 0.49%, respectively. The HFN Emerging Markets Average was up 2.10% in February and is up 2.98% YTD.
