Hedge Fund Returns in Decline

SS&C’s GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index for July measured a gross return of -0.37%, while its Capital Movement Index revealed an increase in net flows of 0.62% in August.
By Charlie Woodward(2147487990)
SS&C’s GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index for July measured a gross return of -0.37%, while its Capital Movement Index revealed an increase in net flows of 0.62% in August.

Representing approximately 10% of the total assets estimated to have been invested in the hedge fund sector globally, SS&C’s GlobeOp’s Hedge Fund Performance Index has an accumulated Year-to-date total of 3.93%, with its total Life to date score now standing at 104.28%.

The SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index’s growth for August places its cumulative point score at 149.05 – almost as high as the Index’s all time recorded high of 150.77 back in September 2013. Despite this growth, the past 12 months have seen an overall decline of 1.28 points.

SS&C Technologies’ CEO, Bill Stone, comments, “Net flows returned to positive territory for August, with both subscriptions and redemptions at lower levels than July.”

Data for the indices is independently calculated from the subscriptions and redemptions taken from real capital movements.

The next publication date is September 12, 2014.
