Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt, a law firm in the hedge fund and financial services industry, is to open a London office, the firm’s first expansion beyond its New York headquarters. The new office will enable Tannenbaum Helpern to serve existing and new clients including hedge funds, law firms, and accountancy firms and will operate under the name Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt International.
“There is a tremendous appetite in the UK-based hedge fund industry for specialised knowledge of and access to the US investment landscape and shifting regulatory environment,” says Michael G. Tannenbaum, a Founding Partner of the firm. “We bring this expertise to the fast-growing London community of hedge fund managers, fund-of-funds, law firms and other professionals.”
Barry Breen, Partner in the firm’s Financial Services, Hedge Funds and Capital Markets Practice Group, will be resident Partner in the London office along with several US based attorneys who will spend time in the London office on a rotating basis.