Hedge Fund Flows Advance in November

The gross return of the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index for October 2013 measured 1.06%.
By Janet Du Chenne(59204)
The gross return of the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index for October 2013 measured 1.06%.

Hedge fund flows as measured by the SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index advanced 0.16% in November.

“Capital flows for the month were slightly positive, with subscription levels reaching a 10-month high,” says Bill Stone, chairman and chief executive officer, SS&C Technologies. 


The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index is an asset-weighted, independent monthly window on hedge fund performance.

The SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index represents the monthly net of hedge fund subscriptions and redemptions administered by SS&C GlobeOp on the GlobeOp platform. This monthly net is divided by the total assets under administration (AuA) for fund administration clients on the GlobeOp platform.
