Hedge Fund Administration Business Is In Transition To Full Outsourcing Service, Says Celent

A major transition is occurring in the hedge fund administration market, according to a new report from consultants Celent. Services are expanding from fund administration fund accounting, NAV calculation, secretarial services, and investor relations, to name a few to full

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A major transition is occurring in the hedge fund administration market, according to a new report from consultants Celent.

Services are expanding from fund administration- fund accounting, NAV calculation, secretarial services, and investor relations, to name a few – to full business process outsourcing.

The new Celent report, Trends in Hedge Fund Administration, says the potential growth is looking good for the 70 hedge fund administrators across the globe. Leading the pack of administrators, as measured by total assets under administration including direct hedge funds and fund of funds, are CITCO, HSBC Alternative Fund Services, and Fortis Fund Services.
