Global Custodian is pleased to announce a partnership with a new eco-friendly printing specialist which will see its magazines produced in a climate neutral way.
In addition, Global Custodian will be supporting a clean drinking water in India initiative as a carbon offset project, in partnership with printing house Park Communications.
Each publication will be manufactured using 100% offshore wind electricity sourced from UK wind, while 100% of the inks used for printing are vegetable oil based. In addition, 95% of press chemicals are then recycled for further use and, on average, 99% of any waste associated with the productions will be recycled and the remaining 1% used to generate energy.
The papers chosen to produce the magazines are FSC® certified. The Forest Stewardship Council® runs a global certification system that ensures timber produced in certified forests has been traced from the tree to the end user.
“Inspired by the environmental initiatives across the industry we cover, we wanted to ensure our own processes are as climate friendly as possible, and through this new partnership with Park Communications we’ve been able to address that in every aspect of the printing process,” said Jonathan Watkins, managing editor, Global Custodian.
“At a time where our travel has been reduced and the fragility of the planet highlighted on a wider scale through the pandemic and ongoing climate issues, we wanted to look into our processes and see where we could further reduce our carbon footprint. It’s the very least we can do, and we hope to employ as many of these initiatives as possible throughout our business moving forward.”
The ‘Clean Drinking Water in India initiative’ is a carbon offset project, available through Park Communication’s partnership with Climate Partner.
In India, more than two million children die from cholera or typhoid fever each year. Such diseases are spread mainly through drinking water. But only 32% of households in India have access to treated water.
The project organises the chemical treatment of water using chlorine. The chloride solution is made on site, and the water is conveniently available in small village shops or delivered to people’s homes. This scheme contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG 1; No Poverty, SDG 3; Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 4; Quality Education, SDG 6; Clean Water and Sanitation, and SDG 13; Climate Action.’
‘Park Communications are delighted that Global Custodian and The TRADE magazine have decided to manufacture their publications with us in 2021,” said Alison Branch, managing director, Park Communications. “Park Communications specialise in eco-friendly printing techniques and environmental management systems. Park works to the EMAS, the EU gold standard for environmental management and our environmental management system is certified to ISO 14001. The system is active, with an emphasis on continual improvement.”
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