GC Perspective: Deutsche Bank's Satvinder Singh on the Importance of Sibos 2015
Singapore provides a symbolic backdrop for Sibos 2015. Not only does the country celebrate its 50th anniversary of independence from Malaysia but it also makes an increasingly significant contribution to the global economy of which financial services is part. This year’s Sibos, notes Satvinder Singh, head of Institutional Cash and Securities Services at Deutsche Bank, is particularly important given that new regulations and initiatives - from TARGET2-Securities (T2S) to combating cyber crime – as well as technological change and client requirements are now beginning to take effect. In this video Singh notes the impact this shifting environment is having on banking, and the opportunity for collaboration that is presents. To watch the video, please click here.
Singapore provides a symbolic backdrop for Sibos 2015. Not only does the country celebrate its 50th anniversary of independence from Malaysia but it also makes an increasingly significant contribution to the global economy of which financial services is part. This year’s Sibos, notes Satvinder Singh, head of Institutional Cash and Securities Services at Deutsche Bank, is particularly important given that new regulations and initiatives – from TARGET2-Securities (T2S) to combating cyber crime – as well as technological change and client requirements are now beginning to take effect. In this video Singh notes the impact this shifting environment is having on banking, and the opportunity for collaboration that is presents.
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