GBF Outsources Back Office Activities To KAS BANK

Grafische Bedrijfsfondsen (GBF), the pensions administration agency for the Dutch media industry, is to outsource its back-office investment activities and related infrastructure to KAS BANK
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Grafische Bedrijfsfondsen (GBF), the pensions administration agency for the Dutch media industry, is to outsource its back-office investment activities and related infrastructure to KAS BANK.

GBF says it wants to focus more on its core activities of pension management, internal asset management and the selection and monitoring of external asset managers.

GBF will use KAS BANK for performance measurement, risk management, order and cash management, as well as analysis and reporting activities. The GBF employees involved will be transferred to KAS BANK.

“The administration of our investment activities increasingly requires state-of-the-art securities systems,” says Paul van Leeuwen, Managing Director of GBF. “GBF has decided to focus on its asset management activities and advice to clients; the investment back-office will be outsourced. KAS BANK, being a specialist securities bank, can execute these activities in a more effective and cost-efficient way. GBF, in turn, will pass on the price/quality advantage for asset management to its new and existing clients.”

Hans Kadiks, a member of the Managing Board of KAS BANK says GBF “fits perfectly within our product range of risk management products provided to institutional investors. We expect a further growth in this market of modular insourcing.”

GBF caters for almost 60,000 employees and 3,000 employers. The funds invested for clients presently amount to approximately €10 billion.
