French Pension Fund Appoints SGSS

French pension fund IRCEC has appointed Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) to provide depository, custody and fund administration services to a range of its diversified funds.
By Janet Du Chenne(59204)
French pension fund IRCEC has appointed Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) to provide depository, custody and fund administration services to a range of its diversified funds.

IRCEC is a pension fund managed by the Berri Group, the retirement and insurance group for the professions in France.

This mandate is in addition to the services SGSS already provides to the Berri Group and strengthens the partnership that was created in 2005 for similar services supplied to CIPAV, a pension fund for the self-employed, then to CAVOM, a pension fund for public and ministerial officers and judicial companies.

The Berri Group represents and manages retirement and insurance plans for more than 700,000 professionals and 60,000 authors.
