Freddie Mac Sets Price For Five-year Note, To Yield 30.5 Points Above Treasury Notes

Freddie Mac set the price of its new 4.125%, $4 billion, five year reference notes security, which will be due on October 18, 2010. Freddie Mac priced the new issue, CUSIP number 3134A4VE1, at 99.550 to yield 4.225%, or 30.5

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Freddie Mac set the price of its new 4.125%, $4 billion, five-year reference notes security, which will be due on October 18, 2010.

Freddie Mac priced the new issue, CUSIP number 3134A4VE1, at 99.550 to yield 4.225%, or 30.5 basis points more than five-year US treasury notes. Reference notes security was offered by a group of dealers headed by Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley.

The issue will settle on September 16, 2005.

The congressionally chartered institution formed to stabilize the US mortgage market more than three decades ago issued $32.1 billion of reference notes securities so far this year.
