FOUR Capital Partners Selects Linedata Platform

FOUR Capital Partners, a long-only equity U.K. house based in London, has selected Linedata’s Global Hedge trading, order management, and compliance modules to complement its existing use of Linedata’s Global Hedge Portfolio Manager.
By Jake Safane(2147484770)
FOUR Capital Partners, a long-only equity U.K. house based in London, has selected Linedata’s Global Hedge trading, order management, and compliance modules to complement its existing use of Linedata’s Global Hedge Portfolio Manager.

FOUR selected Linedata in order to have an automated front-to-middle office solution, moving away from spreadsheets to a full order management and compliance system.

“Although we looked at a number of systems, Linedata’s experience in order management and compliance plus the existing interface between these products and our Linedata Portfolio Management Solution was a key factor. We knew that Linedata had spent time and money getting this interface right. The entire solution will be hosted by Linedata, which was an important consideration, as we are a boutique outfit and, whilst we absolutely must have disaster recovery, and regular updates to our software, we prefer to outsource so that we can focus on our core business,” says Valerie Evans, head of operations at FOUR.

“We will make immediate resource savings with Linedata Global Hedge; automation will mean that our portfolio management team spends less time on pre-trade compliance and on rebalancing our portfolios. It’s an efficient and cost-effective solution. Additionally we expect the compliance module functionality that assists with UCITS rules and client-specific rules for segregated funds to minimize the risk to our business,” adds Evans.
