Former Morgan Stanley Employee Files Ageism Charges

Edward Sullivan, a former Morgan Stanley managing director, filed to sue the firm, claiming the investment bank fired him because of his age. The 56 year old Sullivan has accused two human resources executives of substituting his evaluation with a

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Edward Sullivan, a former Morgan Stanley managing director, filed to sue the firm, claiming the investment bank fired him because of his age. The 56-year-old Sullivan has accused two human resources executives of substituting his evaluation with a “made-up, poison-pen critique” of his performance.

Sullivan, who worked in Morgan Stanley’s retail division, was with the firm for 24 years. He became a director in 1999, earning $1 million per year.

Sullivan seeks reinstatement and $30 million in compensatory and punitive damages. Two years ago Morgan Stanley agreed to pay $54 million to settle bias charges filed by hundreds of female employees.
