Fiserv Announces Changes CBS And ICBS Products Name To Signature Application Set

Fiserv, Inc., the provider of financial services technology applications, is changing the name of its products CBS and ICBS to Signature from Fiserv. Signature offers flexible, cost effective and innovative SOA based applications for account processing, multi channel customer sales

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Fiserv, Inc., the provider of financial services technology applications, is changing the name of its products CBS and ICBS to Signature from Fiserv. Signature offers flexible, cost effective and innovative SOA-based applications for account processing, multi-channel customer sales and service, teller, business intelligence, mobile and Internet banking, enterprise content management, payments, treasury, trade finance and risk and compliance.

“Signature represents a customizable and efficient solution set for innovative, traditional and non-traditional financial institutions across the globe,” says Tony Catalfano, division president, Bank Solutions, Fiserv. “Supported by professionals with a deep knowledge of financial services, Signature delivers the best-of-breed offerings from Fiserv to meet the unique business needs of this market segment.”

Fiserv is now focusing all technology expertise and innovation in one brand and one name, Fiserv. The business unit formerly known as Fiserv CBS Worldwide is now part of Bank Solutions from Fiserv. Bank Solutions includes all of the Fiserv account processing solution sets for banks, including Signature. The Signature application will continue to serve the needs of mid-to-large financial institutions as well as those that require customized solutions to meet specific business needs. Signature clients will have access to proven technologies and best practices available across a broad spectrum of online, mobile, front and back office, payments and processing infrastructures upon which financial institutions and corporations depend. Coupled with these integrated, best-in-class solutions from Fiserv, Signature offers clients the opportunity to create a distinct impression in their markets.

“Like an individual’s signature, the new name embodies a particular style and differentiates our solution as one which is unique, reliable and stands the test of time,” says Catalfano. “This individuality transfers to our clients. How will they choose to be unique, reliable and flexible for their customers? As our clients seek to differentiate themselves in their market, the essence of Signature will help them make their distinct mark with their customers. In today’s financial market, how a bank differentiates itself from the competition is the key to its success.”

Fiserv’s new brand strategy and identity marks a fundamental shift in the company’s approach to the market that began in 2006, when President and Chief Executive Officer Jeffery Yabuki reorganized the company around the Fiserv 2.0 strategic framework. This “2.0” vision of moving Fiserv to the next level was accelerated by the acquisition of financial technology innovators CheckFree, NetEconomy, Corillian and BancIntelligence. Today Fiserv clients have access to proven technologies and best practices available across a broad spectrum of online, mobile, front and back office, payments and processing infrastructures upon which financial institutions and corporations depend.

“The financial landscape has changed forever for our clients, and we are prepared with innovative products and technologies to lead the transformation forward,” says Yabuki. “This new brand strategy will allow Fiserv to build on our 25-year history of unparalleled client focus, strength and stability, and make it easier and even more rewarding to do business with our company.”

Jeanne Capachin, research vice president of global banking for Financial Insights, has covered Fiserv as an analyst for two decades, most recently to compile the FinTech list of top technology providers in the financial industry. To her, the master brand strategy is a good move for Fiserv.

