OTC derivatives solution provider FINCAD has released its F3 Platform, which is designed for enterprise valuation and risk analytics.
FINCAD says the platform will allow users to integrate views of risk, margin and collateral requirements across a firm, as well as allow them to manage risk and regulatory compliance while optimizing trade venues and investment opportunities.
“Regulatory frameworks such as Dodd-Frank and EMIR, which have been gradually rolled out in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, have transformed the financial industry,” says Bob Park, president and CEO of FINCAD. “A history of fragmented technology implementations has created information silos, making it virtually impossible to get a firm-wide view of asset values and risk exposures. This approach may have been workable in the past, but it is no longer tenable. Complying with regulations requires a holistic view of risk; and remaining competitive means having accurate analytics on an intraday basis. F3 Platform delivers aggregated views of both valuation and risk with industry-leading performance to meet the challenge of on-demand reporting.”
The platform is designed to model any trade type and to perform valuation and risk calculations in a consistent manner, and thus, create a centralized, shareable and auditable source of financial analytics. The goal of the platform is to provide organizations with comprehensive information about their exposures in order to make better decisions on how to optimize margin and collateral requirements, while avoiding manual aggregation methods. Furthermore, says FINCAD, it can be integrated with existing systems and implemented incrementally.
“To compete in the world’s top exchanges in the business of clearing and trading OTC derivatives, we needed an analytics platform that was not only accurate, but also fully transparent,” says Roman Sulzhyk, managing director of The Moscow Exchange, one of the first organizations to deploy the platform. “FINCAD’s F3 Platform is a world-leading solution with proven accuracy, and it is entirely transparent. We have quants and risk managers using the software, and everyone finds it easy to deploy and easy to use.”
FINCAD Launches Integrated Risk and Valuation Platform
OTC derivatives solution provider FINCAD has released its F3 Platform, which is designed for enterprise valuation and risk analytics.