Fidelity To Launch Luxembourg-Domiciled Funds-Of-Funds For European Investors

Fidelity International is to launch 12 portfolios for European investors as part of a plan to build up a global fund of funds business. Fidelity, which managed 10 billion pounds ($18.88 billion) in multi manager funds as of the end

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Fidelity International is to launch 12 portfolios for European investors as part of a plan to build up a global fund of funds business. Fidelity, which managed 10 billion pounds ($18.88 billion) in multi-manager funds as of the end of June, said the new Luxembourg-listed funds would include three multi-asset portfolios and nine single-strategy funds, according to Reuters. The new funds include three multi-asset funds, and also includes so-called “high alpha” funds investing in Global, European, US, Asian, and Japanese stocks, and also will launch a Natural Resources fund and a European Property fund, as well as Emerging Europe and Emerging Market portfolios.
