Fairbairn Private Bank Buys Back Office Application From Rhyme Systems

Fairbairn Private Bank has bought the back office components of rhymeSIGHT, an investment management and accounting system supplied by Rhyme Systems, the UK fund managenent software firm created by an MBO from Misys. "We signed up to rhymeSIGHT Back Office

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Fairbairn Private Bank has bought the back office components of rhymeSIGHT, an investment management and accounting system supplied by Rhyme Systems, the UK fund managenent software firm created by an MBO from Misys.

“We signed up to rhymeSIGHT Back Office in order to respond to the rapid increase in demand for our discretionary portfolio management service,” says Greg Horton, Managing Director of Fairbairn Private Bank. “RhymeSIGHT Back Office allows us to cater for new and existing customers’ increasing requirements such as performance measurement.

“By building on our existing IT infrastructure we are able to continue providing clients with the very high levels of service for which we are already well-known,” he adds.

“It’s pleasing to see that rhymeSIGHT Back Office has met the exacting requirements of Fairbairn Private Bank,” comments Stephen Young, Director of Rhyme Systems. “RhymeSIGHT Back Office itself and rhymeSIGHT as a complete front-to-back system were expressly developed to provide comprehensive functionality while at the same time offer scalability and flexibility.”
