Exchange Data International (EDI), the London-based provider of securities data, and InfoDirect, a provider of wholesale market data, have launched what they are calling “an enhanced Worldwide Adjustment Factors service” to complement EDI’s price files. Financial organizations that provide technical analysis tools to private and professional investors will benefit by having access to accurate, up-to-date information at a reduced cost, says
The Worldwide Adjustment Factors service will provide daily adjustment factors for more than 140 exchanges around the globe. It covers the eight major event types including Bonus, Rights, Entitlement, Dividend, Subdivision, Consolidation, Call and Return of Capital.
Each record is disseminated on its ex-date or effective date, whichever is applicable, with a number of tab-separated fields for easy extraction of the embedded data. A code identifies the type of event so firms can use the event to adjust the historical prices.
Whether a financial firm deploys online or offline tools, the service aims to help perform necessary adjustments to smooth historical data. EDI claims users can source and seamlessly integrate prices and adjustments to create charts.
“Until now, delivering quality charts with price trend continuity has been a challenge for financial firms,” says Michael Beardmore, Director, InfoDirect. “With the enhanced adjusted prices service, key events are factored into global stock prices so investors can accurately assess their returns.”
Firms can access the data through a web-based application and interrogate the database using search criteria such as SEDOL, ISIN and Local Codes. They can view the returned records on the screen or extract the data and download it into a tab-delimited file, which can be easily opened in Excel. They can also automatically receive new announcements on securities they have selected via a daily email. This critical information may be run against the user’s portfolio that has been uploaded to the service. Users can also create defined search criteria based upon fields such as date range, event type(s) and country/exchange. The web site is updated throughout the day. As exchanges close and their end-of-day prices become available, the adjustment factors are also updated.
“We are pleased to offer the Worldwide Adjustment Factor Service with InfoDirect,” says Jonathan Bloch, managing director of EDI. “This service will help firms centralize their corporate actions operations, reduce risk and save time and money. Not only do they need fewer data feeds, but it takes staff less time to process information.”