Eurex offers Trade entry to US customers

Eurex has started providing its Trade Entry Services (TES) offering to US-based customers.

By Editorial

Eurex has started providing its Trade Entry Services (TES) offering to US-based customers.

TES enables market participants to enter off-book transactions into the Eurex System, giving them customized trading and standardized clearing and settlement through Eurex. The system became operational on November 16.

Off-book trades can be processed for all Eurex Exchange products approved for trading in the US by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).TES is available for FX, futures, equity index futures and fixed income futures and options.

The system comprises functionalities like block and vola trades, exchange-for-physical and exchange-for-swap transactions and flexible contracts. Furthermore, its Multilateral Trade Registration service supports pre-negotiated off-book trading with multiple counterparties
