Based on the preliminary year-end figures for 2006, which include an estimate for the last two trading days of the year, a total volume of about €5 trillion will be traded on the stock exchanges in Germany in 2006, this represents an increase of 32 percent year-on-year. This total comprises about €4.6 trillion in equities, warrants and exchange-traded funds and about €457 billion in fixed-income securities. May was the highest-turnover month in 2006, with 565,5 billion euros in volume traded.
In 2006, Deutsche Brses XTF segment for exchange-traded funds reached the highest annual turnover since the launch of the segment in April 2000 with an estimated amount of €67 billion. By the end of November 2006, the assets under management in XTF reached a new record with €44 billion. In 2006, 94 ETFs were newly listed in XTF. This figure has quadrupled compared with last year’s 23 funds. With currently 171 index funds the XTF segment offers the largest range of listed ETFs of all European stock exchanges and is Europes leading market place for exchange-traded funds.
In 2006, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange was again the leading retail stock exchange in Germany. 98 percent of trading in German equities takes place on Xetra and the floor of the FWB Frankfurter Wertpapierbrse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange). The Frankfurt floor is the most liquid market place and market leader with a share of 65 percent in retail trading on the floor in Germany.