Equiduct, the pan-European equity trading platform, is expanding its data offering and launching OrangeLiquidity Viewer, a web based graphical view of market liquidity and trading conditions at the European venues, to complement the OrangeLFA liquidity fragmentation analytics service and OrangeVBBO its real time data product.
OrangeLiquidity Viewer will be demonstrated for the first time at TradeTech 2009. OrangeLiquidity Viewer is available in real time and offers also historical data analysis. Processing over 100,000 market data price updates per second, Equiduct has a robust, state of the art tick-by-tick data store which can be used for back-testing, reconstituting the consolidated order book for a given trade, and calculating fragmentation and liquidity over different time periods. It covers about 700 of the most liquid stocks traded in Europe.
The OrangeLiquidity Viewer also enables users to see the optimal order split required to achieve the best possible price for a theoretical order. The OrangeVBBO line shows the consolidated true best price, mathematically derived from the full depth of the market. The OrangeVBBO is the price available in Equiducts PartnerEx trading segment.
“The equity market place has evolved quickly over the past year with the creation of new trading venues each with a slightly different business model,” says Artur Fischer. “This has stimulated competition and provided a variety of trading alternatives but the picture is far from complete or even stable and we at Equiduct hope to be able to shed some light on how to achieve best execution on the various available platforms with our range of analytical tools.”