Eiger Systems, a UK-based developer of payment applications, has appointed Adrian Burke to the new position as Director of Sales. Burke is responsible for sales strategy and for the management of Eiger Systems’ direct and indirect sales channels. As a result of the appointment, Hiten Kantelia, Eiger Systems’ Sales Director, moves to the new position of Business Development Director.
Previously UK Corporate Sales Manager at Peregrine Systems, Burke has twenty years IT experience, ten of which have been spent in sales leadership roles working with large corporate customers.
“Adrian has precisely the correct mix of experience we need for this new position of strategic importance,” explains Callum Johnston, Managing Director of Eiger Systems. “The success of EigerPAY Gateway, our BACSTEL-IP solution, is expanding our penetration of the UK corporate sector through both our direct and indirect channels and has broadened our requirements for sales leadership. Adrian’s appointment enables us to capitalise on these opportunities, providing Hiten Kantelia with the opportunity to focus on core business development activities.”
“Eiger Systems is an exciting and dynamic organisation whose success is clearly evident from its consistent and rapid growth since its foundation,” says Adrian Burke. “The strength of Eiger Systems’ management, the company’s financial stability, its market focus and its innovative and imaginative product development strategy all provide the essential foundations for building a very successful future for the company and its products.”