Dow Jones Hedge Fund Indexes, Inc. (DJHFI), has temporarily suspended publication of the Dow Jones Hedge Fund Distressed Securities Strategy Benchmark, effective immediately, until further notice.
The decision to halt publication of the benchmark is a result of market conditions in the distressed securities space, and was made jointly by Dow Jones Hedge Fund Indexes and the investment manager of the managed account platform that supports the Dow Jones Hedge Fund Strategy Benchmarks.
Index values for the Dow Jones Hedge Fund Distressed Securities Strategy Benchmark are available through April 30, 2009.
The Dow Jones Hedge Fund Convertible Arbitrage Strategy Benchmark was halted as of January 2, 2009 and remains suspended until further notice. The remaining strategies-Equity Long/Short, Equity Market Neutral, Event Driven and Merger Arbitrage, will continue to be published on anend-of-day basis.
Launched in November 2003, the Dow Jones Hedge Fund Strategy Benchmarks measure individual hedge fund strategies. The six existing strategies are Equity Market Neutral, Convertible Arbitrage (suspended), Distressed Securities (suspended), Merger Arbitrage, Event Driven and Equity Long/Short[i]. DJHFI provides style-pure, hedge fund strategy indexes that exhibit highly correlated component returns. The methodologies and components underlying the Dow Jones Hedge Fund Strategy Benchmarks are available on the Dow Jones Hedge Fund Indexes.