Deutsche GSS Retention Target Still Some Way Off For State Street, Says Report

The Boston Globe reports that, as of June 1, State Street says it only has a ''firm commitment'' for about 37% of revenue from the top 25 clients, much of which is from Deutsche's asset management unit, and a smaller

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The Boston Globe reports that, as of June 1, State Street says it only has a ”firm commitment” for about 37% of revenue from the top 25 clients, much of which is from Deutsche’s asset management unit, and a smaller percentage of firm commitments so far from smaller clients. State Street is still integrating the $1.5 billion purchase of Deutsche Bank’s global securities services business, with $400 million being held back until State Street successfully retains 90% of the revenues of Deutsche’s former clients. In total though, including clients about which it is ”very optimistic,” State Street said it believes it has about 89% of the Deutsche unit’s revenue lined up for retention, according to the report.
