In January €90 billion were turned over on Xetra and on the floor of Brse Frankfurt – a dropdown of more than 70% year-on-year (January 2008: €307.8 billion).
“The reason for the decrease of the orderbook turnover is on the one hand the sharp decline in share prices compared to the previous year,” says Frank Gerstenschlger member of the executive board of Deutsche Brse AG and responsible for the cash market. “On the other hand private as well as institutional investors shy away because of general market uncertaint.”
Furthermore, January 2008 saw an exceptional high turnover volume. Of the €90 billion turnover 84.2 billion were traded on Xetra decreasing 71% year-on-year (January 2008: €292.7 billion) and €5.8 billion on the floor (January 2008: €15 billion). German equities accounted for €79.3 billion, foreign equities comprising €7.4 billion. Roughly 97% of the transaction volume with German equities was executed at Brse Frankfurt. More than 90% of foreign equities were traded on Xetra and on the floor.
In the entire month 14.6 million transactions were executed on Xetra, a decrease of 42% year-on-year (January 2008: 25.2 million). According to the Xetra liquidity measure (XLM), Deutsche Telekom AG was the most liquid DAX blue chip in January with 12 basis points (bp) for an order volume of €100,000. Fresenius SE was the most liquid MDAX stock with 56 bp. The most liquid ETF was the db-x-trackers II EONIA T.R. 1C with 0.3 bp. The most liquid foreign stock was Royal Dutch Shell with 19 bp. XLM measures liquidity in electronic securities trading on the basis of the implicit transaction costs. It is expressed in basis points (1 bp = 0.01%); a low XLM denotes high liquidity in a security.
Siemens AG was the strongest DAX stock on Xetra in January at €6.7 billion. Hochtief AG was the top MDAX stock at €376 million while Medion AG led the SDAX stock at €31 million and Q-Cells AG headed the TecDAX at €523 million. At €1 billion, the iShares DAX EX was once again the exchange-traded fund with the largest turnover.
On all stock exchanges in Germany €105.5 billion were traded in January according to orderbook turnover statistics – a decrease of 68% compared year-on-year (January 2008: €330.4 billion). This total included €93.1 billion in equities, warrants and exchange-traded funds, as well as €12.4 billion in fixed-income securities.