Deutsche Boerse's CEF® ultra+ Xetra Sets New Speed Standards

Deutsche Brse Market Data & Analytics has launched a new high performance data feed with expanded functions for market data of the pan European trading system Xetra. The multicast data feed CEF ultra+ Xetra provides the full unnetted data series

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Deutsche Brse Market Data & Analytics has launched a new high-performance data feed with expanded functions for market data of the pan-European trading system Xetra.

The multicast data feed CEF ultra+ Xetra provides the full unnetted data series of Xetra pre and post-trade information with an order book depth of up to 20, in real time.

Market participants such as banks, proprietary trading firms and hede funds as well as financial information providers benefit from minimal latency and great data depth: CEF ultra+ Xetra offers the 20 best buy and sell offers for all instruments on the indices DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX, among others. So far, the Xetra trading data have been offered with a maximum market depth of 10.

Faster and more detailed trading data are a clear competitive edge for participants in financial markets. Granular and extremely fast relevant data are crucial for successful trading, especially in the automatic trading. New standards are being set with the CEF ultra+ Xetra data feed, says Georg Gross, head of Front Office Data & Analytics at Deutsche Brse.

